Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 2

What are inclusive outdoor multi-sport activities (DOS)?

Selection of participants and their motivation – If you are a sport club you probably already have participants for the event, but this is a chance for you to come to some potentially new users. This is where you should apply the knowledge and skills, we have shared with you in the part of this Manual considering the preparation of your communication strategies.

If you are not a sport club, then you will probably announce the Call for your participants. Decide in advance who is your audience to be adequately prepared for communicating with them. Every message you share should be adjusted to the needs of your participants. You will want to motivate them for your work and the specific DOS event you are preparing. Knowing your audience is also important for social media campaign in which you should announce a call for participants. Make sure that you give all necessary information and state the benefits they will gain.

Preparing DOS program and agenda – If you are organizing a multi-day DOS event you should prepare a detailed agenda. Make sure that it has a flow which is logical and corresponds to the goals of your event. You should be familiar with all the steps of the method you have choose for your event. Divide the tasks among the team and keep the track of your progress. Give clear and simple instructions to your participants. Prepare a simple scenario of the activity that you can follow. Always remind about the safety measures and protocols. Be available for the questions and comments. Lead your group. Be adaptable to circumstances. And very important, have fun!

Feedback & evaluation– These aspects should always be included in your work. When you receive the feedback from your participants it enables you to be more prepared for your next activities and to overcome some challenges that you are maybe facing in your performance. Evaluate your work also with your team. Analyze together what could be done better in the future. Evaluate if you fulfilled your goal.

Setting the safety measures – Very important aspect of DOS learning activities is safety and this is where your focus should be going parallelly with preparation of the activity. We underlined this necessity in every method described in this Manual. Have your protocols for emergency situation developed and set in motion before the event. Contact local authorities and institutions in charge for the safety in your community to inform them about your work. Be prepared!

Follow up activities – Always remember to have follow up of your activity. This is how your participants know that you care about the contribution they gave during the DOS activity and that you are interested in their impressions after it.  Give your thanks to your participants and supporters. Don’t forget to post on social media about the activity by following the recommendations we shared with you in the part about the communication. Decide about the next steps for you and your participants.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.