Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 2

What are inclusive outdoor multi-sport activities (DOS)?

To work in outdoor multi-sport activities (DOS), you will have to start with loving any kind of weather. Outdoor activities will get you all wet when it rains, and you should be committed to it even if it’s very hot outside. But the benefits you and your users will gain from engaging will be worth it. Outdoor multi-sport activities are seen as a planned and purposeful facilitated approach led by an outdoor activity coordinator (in this case coach, guide, NFE trainer, etc.) Outdoor multisport activities also cover the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills.

There are two kinds of DOS activities that you can organize. We can divide them into:

Educative multi-sport activities outdoor (in the nature)

Activities for using sport to address different topics important for the community or society in general / awareness raising activities

Thus, let’s say that this is a first decision you need to made, or you already did since you are reading this in order to use knowledge shared there for achieving your goal. No matter what, below are listed all steps that will help you prepare and engage into implementation of DOS program.

Knowing the specifics of outdoor multisport activities can prepare us to use them in optimal way. The steps in organizing a DOS activity are as follows:

Choose your topic. Set the goals! – For a start, you need to know why you are organizing your DOS activity and what is it that you want to do or change you want to bring. DOS activity you will have, should be in line with the goals of your club/camp/organization and should have its own goals and objectives.  Try not to complicate too much. It’s a road made of many steps and having one, but important topic for your community and your users can be very good decision. It could be anything from working on integration of young people to preparing the proposal for local policies on climate changes. Once you choose the topic, you should define the goals of the activity you are organizing. Make them clear and measurable so that when you finish you can see if they are fulfilled.

You can start with one day events, don’t rush with organizing longer trainings or camps. A short field trip can allow you to exchange about the major points of your topic with the participants.

Deciding on the methodology that will be used for DOS.  There are several choices you will have to make. Once you know your goals, you will have to choose if this will be an educational DOS event or awareness rising DOS activity or campaign. After this, you should choose among the methods we have prepared for you in this Manual. Many of these fully created activities are focused on inclusion and environmental issues but can be easily transformed and developed further to meet your needs.

When choosing the approach you will have, think about the topic, your users and the place where you will be working. Depending on all of these aspects decide what is the best method for you. Always think in sense of the safety of your users. Climbing and hiking are very attractive activities but are not suitable to majority of people.

Looking for your allies – Usually the topic that bothers you and your members is the one that can be easily noticed by other relevant actors in your community such as other sport clubs, camps or organizations. Try to bring them to the table for your DOS activity. Joining your forces can only bring benefits to you and your partners. It could mean more participants, more ideas for realization and more impact to the community and is always good idea. Together with your partners think about the other parties that could also support you in your work. Maybe it will be local authorities or some institution.

The success and impact of your DOS activity can depend on the partnerships and networking you make around them, so choose wisely.

Resources and logistical preparation of the DOS activity – At the beginning you will have to think in terms of the resources you have for organizing DOS activity. Besides the needed material and knowledge, you need to know do you have the facilitators with the needed skills. This is also why it is good for you to have partners for implementing DOS activity since it will sure mean more resources at your disposal. Either way, you will have to test and practice your non-formal education skills in your everyday work. Continue building your capacities for DOS activities to be able to organize the effective and activities attractive to young people.

After analyzing the resources go through your check list for the technical preparation of the activity.

  • Choose the time and place and make sure it suits to majority of the group,
  • Get all the needed materials for the activity,
  • Deal with the transportation issues,
  • Get refreshments and food for your participants if the activity lasts longer,
  • Make sure you have the right support for the participants with fewer opportunities,
  • Divide the roles within the team so that everyone knows what they are in charge of,
  • Ensure having the safety measures.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.