Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 2

Developing inclusive outdoor multi-sport activities: what do we do?

By including the outdoor multisport activities into their work, sport clubs/camps/organizations will contribute to development of social competences of their members and become a part of their integration into community. Adding a new value to their work will motivate young people to be more active in sport since they will learn from their peers about the benefits besides learning just for sport performing. Including this approach would only mean the structuring of the competences, knowledge, and skills that young people are already gaining on the margins of playing and training for sports.

Some of DOS activities can lead to delicate changes in behaviors and attitudes that can increase health and wellbeing, and environmental awareness. This is what we are aiming at.

Outdoor multisport methodology can be used for various purposes since it:

  • improves physical strength and resilience,
  • supports embodies learning,
  • develops holistic and creative thinking as research are showing,
  • promotes mental health,
  • brings decrease in anxiety, depression and hyperactivity which is the result of exposing to the sun and even when simply going outside,
  • helps in gaining problem solving skills
  • makes you understand the environment and how it works
  • enables inclusion of young people and
  • gives the needed skills and knowledge as well as a platform for civic activism.

By becoming familiar with the DOS activities preparation and process of its implementation, one can become an outdoor multisport activity coordinator.

As an outdoor multisport activity coordinator, you should always have in mind the safety of your participants and for getting them safe through the process you will need to gain skills to coach other people through the activities you lead. You should work on developing your decision making in changeable conditions, leadership styles and advanced facilitation and training skills with further training, coaching, and ongoing reflective practice. If you are up to date with first aid, safeguarding and data protection this could only be an asset for your career in outdoor multisport activities.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.