Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 3

Education for, in and through sport- how do we do it?

Learning experts and various educators always underline the educational potential of all activities we can be included in. The learning is always happening as a survival mechanism that we developed. In situation when this process is planned, we can talk about education. Sport for itself is organized and planned activity. Adding educational purpose to it means double planning, but not necessarily two completely different processes. In experiential learning it happens through doing.

Depending of what are the educational goals we would like to achieve we can talk and about three learning models connected to sport and sport as a potential learning and educational tool. Therefore, we need to make a distinction between education FOR, IN and THROUGH sport.




Traditional sports clubs, sport organizations and schools are focused on sport performances and results of their members and students. Skills that they are gaining are related to sport itself and, this way, they are developing competences of sport performances in variety of sport disciplines. The focus of coaches while working with young people is to support them in the development of individual competences to improve physical performance. This is where we are talking about Education FOR Sport and within this context there is a small space and opportunities for non-formal education to enter. Nevertheless, young people are learning about the fair play, team spirit and collaboration so they are learning about the values and gaining important social skills but in not planned and intended manner.




With the concept of Education IN Sport we are getting more closer to planned and structured learning with concrete learning objectives to be achieved with it. Learning by sport usually means that the learners will we more familiar with the social causes such as health, wellbeing, public welfare or social inclusion. The main intention of education by sport is to explain to participants that by playing different sports, it is expected that they will learn more about healthy lifestyles and in this way raise their awareness about health issues and their wellbeing. There is a clear educational intention in this model of learning, but we lack the wider scope of topics that should be covered with it. We need to equip young people with social skills and competences that could influence their awareness about the social practices in modern society and prepare them to participate in changing the policies influencing their lives. This is where education through sport comes to scene.




For education through sport concept, we need to integrate and implement sport elements for an educational purpose to address a social issue, develop social competences and provoke a lasting social transformation. Like any other non-formal education activity, learning sessions through sport are planned and prepared, clear, realistic and with measurable outcomes after its implementation. The formula is NFE + sport after which we can talk about the development of key competences of individuals and groups in order to contribute to personal development and sustainable social transformation.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.