Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 4

DOS learning methods



mental health, team work and collaboration



Group size: 15-20 participants

60-70 minutes

Materials and setting:

You will need 2 frisbees per each team. Paper cups and papers with the statements.

Activity can be organized anywhere outside where the frisbee can be thrown and easily catch by participants.


In this activity participants will play new game by using frisbee in order to learn about mental health issues and positive way of thinking


For the quiz part of the game, you should carefully choose the questions about mental health of young people. Consult with the psychologist in your organization or sport club. Have all the answers ready and be prepared to give additional explanations.


Start the activity with energizer. Participants should play frisbee and introduce them self when they catch it. In second round everyone who catches the frisbee should say a word about themselves. In third round when participant throws the frisbee he/she should say the name of the one who should catch it or the word that represents them.

Divide participants in several smaller groups depending on their number.

After the energizer explain the task to participants: they should throw the frisbee to remove the paper cups from the stands where they will be arranged. Inside every paper cup there are questions about mental health issues. If the group knows the answer to the question, they are awarded the points, if not, this cup should be placed again as it was.

The game lasts until every question is answered. After the end of the game announce the winner and you may start with debriefing part of the session.

Ideas for the questions:

What is anxiety?

What is active listening?

What are the signs of depression?

Who are the people responsible for giving the support to young people facing mental health challenges?


Make sure that the group is not giving the challenging answers to the questions to avoid the reaction from young people that can recognize themselves within them. Always remind them about the importance of mutual respect and that they may never know what kind of difficulties people around us are facing.

Ideas for debriefing and evaluation:

Did everyone feel they were able to contribute?

Did the group work democratically or was there an appointed ‘leader?

Was it hard to reinvent playgrounds and gyms in the open?

Was it easy to make use of the existing ones?

Which proposals did people like the most?

How inclusive were the proposals?

Can you imagine decision makers to accept our proposals for change?

Who would you try to convince to give you the support for this?

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.