Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 4

DOS learning methods



inclusion, discrimination, advocating for policy changes



Group size:

20 participants


90 minutes

Materials and setting:

Papers and markers;

Gyms in the open, public playgrounds,


Participants will try to reinvent public spaces for sport acquisition into spaces of inclusion and respect to vulnerable social groups of young people.


Chose the public playground for the activity. Take care about the needs and specifics of your participants when deciding on the place.   


Gather your participants at the starting point.

For team building activities share several tasks that should be fulfilled by the whole group- give them some TicTock challenge to fulfill.

Tell your participants to imagine the profile of people using the public playgrounds and gyms in the open. In small groups they should draw the profile of the people they would also like to see using these spaces for recreation.

After this, ask them to offer their proposals how these spaces should be rearranged in order to be more user friendly for young people with social disadvantages. They should try to make proposals in a way to be communicative with decision makers.

Every group should demonstrate a segment of their plans. If they rearranged the space and came up with new ideas how the existing one should be used, they should try to show it to other participants.

Groups should present their work to others and listen to their comments.

Start debriefing part of the session with focus on.


As an icebreaker suggest to participants to use the equipment for the workout.

Always remind them about the safety and encourage them to support participants that are not so much into sports by explaining them the right ways for exercising. This could be the chance for them to analyze which part of the gym in the open could be made or reinvent additionally to match the need of all young people.

Ideas for debriefing and evaluation:

Did everyone feel they were able to contribute?

Did the group work democratically or was there an appointed ‘leader?

Was it easy to make use of the existing ones?

Which proposals did people like the most?

How inclusive were the proposals?

Can you imagine decision makers to accept our proposals for change?

Who would you try to convince to give you the support for this?

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.