Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 4

DOS learning methods



environment, team work, creativity, inclusion

Target: Y15+
Group size: 10-20 people

90 minutes is a period needed for preparation of new activities + time for organizing and implementing the short tournament

Materials and setting:

Old sport requisites that you can ask participants to bring with them or that you have in the club + Recycled materials-cans, bottles, paper, tins, toilet rolls, cartons. Scissors, String, Glue, Sellotape, Chalk. This activity can be done anywhere outdoors when appropriate for you and your participants. Have in mind that the choice of the setting will influence the ideas about the new sports coming from the teams.


By using various sport requisites and recycled materials, participants will be inspired to come up with new sport activities by trying it at the spot and combining the rues and spirits of existing sports.


For this activity the most important moment in preparation is connected to gathering all the materials which will make the preparation period longer than for other activities.

  1. Divide participants into equal groups of at least 3 and at the most 5
  2. Give each group a bag of recyclable materials
  3. Tell participants that you will all be taking part in Mini Games or Mini Olympics that is inclusive of all and that everyone has to take part in.
  4. Tell participants that, in their teams, they have to devise a game or activity using the recyclable materials and other materials provided and that that game or activity will form part of the Mini Games or Olympics
  5. Give each team 45 minutes to devise 1 or more activities and tell them to come up with the rules which they will have to explain to the others
  6. At least one game from each team will be used as part of a Recycled Mini Games for all participants.

Take care of the time during the tournament to make it more dynamic and interesting to participants. Maybe you should limit the lasting of the activities for this purpose.

Ideas for debriefing and evaluation:

Did everyone feel they were able to contribute? How did the groups make the best use of individual talents of their members?

Did the group work democratically or was there an appointed ‘leader?

Was it easy to make use of the recycled materials provided?

Which games did people like the most?

Did any group find the need to change the rules of the game once they tried it out?

How inclusive were the games? Was everyone able to take part?

Were the rules of each game ‘fair’?

Did the groups use the recycled materials in ways that they would never have pictured prior to these Games?

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.