Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 6

Communication with young people

To be more successful in your communication with the audience, you need to structure your communication. You must know who should do what, for whom and where. Everyone should also, first of all, know why this is being done. For this, you must prepare the communication strategy of youth club/camp/organization and do be ready to prepare communication plans for every activity that you want to communicate with your users and wider audience. Once you realize how this should be done, you will always want to do it for all your other activities since this makes your life much easier.

When you want to work on improving your communication there are three things you need to have in mind:

What is your identityyou must know who you are, why does your organization/club/camp exist, what are the values that guide you in your work, what is the change you want to bring to the community.

How to present who you arethis means that you must think about your presentation to the others, which are your visuals and words. How others are perceiving you due to your existing visual presentation and what should be done differently.

How to communicate who you are figuring out your audience and the best way to approach them. At this point you must understand who your audience is and what is the best approach you should have for them.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.