Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 5

Steps in planning and implementing awareness raising campaign

STEP 1: Choose the topic of the campaign– For a start you should choose a topic you will work on. It can be something that is the need you recognized in your community at the moment or some trending topic if you would like to join the ongoing conversation about the things that matters, especially to young people. As a gathering point for young people you have the responsibility to think additionally about the challenges young people are facing. You should think more about their wellbeing and the ways how to achieve it. Since young people usually react very positively on similar activities, we should continue with opening them through our work.

STEP 2: Find the best format for your campaign – At this point you should choose which type of the campaign you will be running. Look for the option that is most suitable for the message you are sharing and for the resources you are having.

STEP 3: List the resources needed for the campaign – You should list the personal, material and financial resources you have for organizing the campaign. Here is where you should also think about the fundraising and cooperation with other parties complementary to your action who can also join with their contributions.

STEP 4: Define the message of the campaign– Your message is always the core of the change you want to introduce. It is what should lead you in your intentions and what should communicate in best possible way what do you want to achieve. Make it short, simple and understandable to your audience. Also, think about the choice of words, they should be inspiring and reflect the positive emotions.

STEP 5: Creation of the campaign timeline– This is when you should make the plan for your campaign. It means that you will plan the time, tasks and roles in the campaign. Everybody included have to follow the agreed dynamics and contribute as defined in the campaign plan. Remember, plan is nothing, but planning is everything. So, the process of planning continuously is what it is all about.

STEP 6: Supporters of your campaign– Through the campaign you will probably get new supporters and followers but prior to launching your campaign you have to know who the part of your coalition is. Besides support in resources needed for the campaign you have to find the ones that will help you deliver the message. It can be other organizations or clubs, official institutions and public actors but it can also be young people who are our users willing to share the products of campaign to their followers.

STEP 7: Evaluation of the campaign– When the campaign is over you would want to measure its effects. Talk to your group and see how they see it but also talk to your audience and try to measure the impact it had on their attitudes and opinions about the topic you were talking about. Evaluation is the point where you get to learn from your experience and to improve yourself for the next actions you will be taking.

Now that you learned about all the steps for organizing the successful awareness rising campaign you are ready to try it. Follow these simple rules for making the life in your community better.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.