Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 4

DOS learning methods



Democracy, human rights, equality, problem solving, resilience

Target: Y15+, but if the preparation is done well, you can include even younger participants
Group size:

10-20 people divided in smaller groups


60 minutes is a recommendation. You can adjust the length of time, if necessary, shorter for young children, longer and more complicated for young adults.

Materials and setting:

Smaller woods and stick for starting the fire, matches, lighter, newspapers are needed.

Activity should be done in open setting such as a field with the minimum of possibilities for fire to spread around. If you organize the activity near the water this would be the perfectly chosen place.


Participants will work together on starting the camp fire. They will do it in different groups and each group will have the different materials which will enable participants to learn about the equality and social differences. They will learn about the possibilities for changing their status during the activity.

Preparation: Start with preparing two sets of materials for camp fire. They should be reflecting inequality and you should try to make one of the teams to have the harder job. Prepare enough amount of water in case of emergency if the fire gets out of control. At least two facilitators should lead this activity for the safety reasons.

Step 1– Divide participants in two groups. Explain to your participants what they are about to do. Go into details of the task parallely with explaining the safety meassures that everyone should have in mind during the activity.


Step 2– Let the participants do their task. Carefully monitor what is going on and be available for the support if needed. Note all points that are important for later analysis and learning of the group. Groups have 20 minutes to finish the task.


Step 3– Make the celebration of the winning team. You should exegerate a bit in praising the team with better starting point for the task implementation (the ones with more usable materials).


Step 4– Send the groups for 15 minute retreat to talk about the activity and what were their major concerns and findins. Groups should present their conclusions. After their presentation you should start with debriefing.


When working on favoriting one of the teams make sure you do not go over the line to insult someone in the other group.

In debriefing part of the activity let the participants found out for themselves that you were more supportive to one of the groups, do not reveal this to them until they expose this fact.

Ideas for debriefing and evaluation:

Questions for the part of the activity after the task and before the group work:

How do you feel after the activity?

Did you had a hard time in solving the task?

What is your impression about the dynamic in the group? Did you had enough materials for solving the task?

Questions after the group work:

How did you feel when realizing that other group has different set of materials for the task?

How can you relate this activity to real life?

Were there any safety issues that were opened during the activity?

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.