Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 1

How can we motivate young people to choose sports as a way to live an active and healthy lifestyle?

Thinking about the needs of young people in after-pandemics era we were mostly concerned about their physical and mental health. We were looking for the evidence of the impact of lock downs, having digital activities instead in-person ones, lacking in social interactions and lack of going outdoors. The need for intervention is clear from our findings and we are now ready to prepare the active response to it.

The purpose of this Manual is to present online support for sport clubs, youth organizations and camps to integrate more outdoor multi-sport approach in their work that will inspire young people to engage into sport activities. Manual will help them to design creative activities and become more innovative and inclusive in their work, through joining forces of outdoor multi-sport approach, education and civic activism.

Through our manual representatives of above-mentioned stakeholders will learn how to use sport for awareness rising actions focused on addressing social challenges in their community and beyond, as well as to allow them to acquire new skills and knowledge using non-formal learning through sport. And for the reasons explained above, it will sure be outdoor as young people favor this sport arena more and more. Furthermore, with the intentionally designed sport-based methodology we will aim at covering the range of areas such as inclusion of vulnerable social groups, acting towards overcoming environmental challenges, youth participation, etc. By using the Manual our target group will be able to answer to challenges they have faced during the pandemics and to bring new dimension to their work.

Sport clubs will get a chance to work on developing new type of activities which are in line with the preferences of young people. By following the recommendations from the Manual, they could attract more young people to start practicing sport in structured and organized way that sport clubs are offering.

Young people have shown their interest in dealing with the different global challenges and sport has its participative component which makes it ideal for educational purposes to help them get the needed skills and knowledge for overcoming it. This is where youth organizations are coming into the scene. Through sport they can reach many young people affected by pandemics and offer their perspective and support to them while supporting sport clubs to include non-formal education in their work.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.