Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 1

What does data tell us?

Being physically active is now more than ever important for the obvious health benefits, either mental or physical. The alternative to enormous challenge of our times lies in finding different approach which could get young people together, inspire them to be active and parallelly gain some new social skills and competences.

Being physically active is now more than ever important for the obvious health benefits, either mental or physical. The alternative to enormous challenge of our times lies in finding different approach which could get young people together, inspire them to be active and parallelly gain some new social skills and competences.

According to WHO, only 1 of 5 adolescents is likely to accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity on average per day across the week, which may include play, games, sports, but also activity for transportation (such as cycling and walking), or physical education which is recommended. This fact leads to many mental health issues and impacts the growth and development of the whole generation of young people. Countries and communities should deal with the issue actively.

In the research conducted within the project Door Out for More Sport we found out that 40% of young people that are active decreased their involvement in sport activities during the Covid-19 pandemics, usually by quitting it in total. They were faced with the moment in which they will either drop out from practicing sport or in which they will rather start practicing some individual sports.

In the same research we also found out that clubs that offer additional activities are more attractive to the youth. But we also found out that in perception of young people more than 50 % of sport clubs don’t offer any kind of additional activities.

Young people that are not exercising stated that the lack of time and willingness for exercising is the most common reason for them not to do it. Their preferences would also rather go to informal and recreational sport than any kind of formal sport, both group and individual.

So, let’s see how to offer them more!

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.