Door Out Sport GUIDE

Chapter 5

How can you benefit from this manual when organizing an awareness raising actions?


The awareness-rising campaigns you can focus on can be the ones promoting specific values that can be brought through sport activities. Sport can be used also for the purposes of underlining the challenges in the society and as a platform for community to gather around the different topics.

Sport can be a powerful media for various topics to be raised in the society, from health issues, through environmental challenges all the way to inclusion, youth participation and decision making. If you decide to include your audience and inspire them to join the campaign it will make it participative giving it an additional value. By doing this, you can parallelly grow your audience and create a stronger base of support to your work.

Young people are already gravitating towards sport clubs and their activities. This means that they are audience that is already present and sending them the message shouldn’t be so challenging for you. This is what makes you even more responsible for starting the conversation about the topics important for their lives.


Being youth organization makes you sensible to what are the needs of young people and what are the obstacles, challenges and difficulties they are facing. Because of the pandemics and digitalization of many YO activities, organizations had to change their approach to young people by looking for alternative ways of gathering and engaging them.

If you decide to include multi-sport outdoor methodology in your work, you will be integrating innovative approach and offer new options to young people. Their participation in your activities will get additional value.

Organizing awareness-rising campaign through this type of activities can also send a message in your name that young people should be more physically active and turn more to outdoor spaces. This type of activities is ideal if you want to raise awareness of your target audience about the environmental challenges, different health issues and life styles, promote youth participation and activism, etc. Look for the supporters among sport clubs since they can give you the specific know-how depending on what your activity is.


Being an eco-camp means that you already have majority of your activities placed outside and that you have specific skills needed for many outdoor activities. Since you are gathered about the ecological topics. The guess is that you are interested in rising the awareness of your audience in the domain of environmental issues and probably your audience and users are expecting it from you as well.

Try to look at it from a different angle. If you structure your activities in a sense to underline the importance of which ever topic you have chosen, you should innovate your approach with including new methodology into it such as sport activities and also new aspects such as education for example is. The activities you are organizing for your users could get a new dimension with this approach and they can benefit from it in many ways.

The project “Door Out to more Sport for all” is co-funded by the European Union.